2 BODII Program Package-Bundle of 15 CECs-Online
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Bundle of BODII Program IV, Part 1 - Supplementary BODII applications. (10 CECs) & Program IV, Part 2 - The aspects of training & nutrition (5 CECs)
2 BODII Program Package-Bundle of 15 CECs-Online.
The 2 Program Package offered here comprises:
1. The final offering in this series of Bodii strength & fitness programs, where the exciting proprioceptive principles from previous programs are given their most intense and inclusive adaptation possibilities. While it is accepted that the concepts and techniques put on display in these programs are challenging to the extreme, it is recognised that safety is still of paramount importance. Once participants/students have explored these programs, they will come to realise how the inclusiveness and co-ordination of major body systems/structures best achieves this purpose, yet maximises the bodies propensity towards adaptation.
2. Nutrition, as the controlling factor in all strength & conditioning progress, is covered in great depth, with a simplified, yet thorough analysis of the chemistry behind what we eat. A close examination of the macro and micro-nutrients ideally suited to the inquiring fitness professional is designed to deliver significant insights into natural sports nutrition.
This module is now "pre-requisite" free and may be completed separately to preceding modules.
While a great many of the concepts and techniques offered in these programs are significantly advanced exercise options, neither recognised nor accepted in mainstream strength & fitness programming, they are however genuine, and delivered in a deliberately progressive structure. Their implementation demands are designed to separately challenge not only the participant's powers to extreme psychological and physiological inclusion, but more decisively their willingness to acknowledge and to accept the challenges they offer.